Saturday 10 February 2007

The gagged German

Is this the first instance (at least publically admitted) of a UAE newspaper, in this instance Gulf News, "buying up" a story subject and preventing them from talking to other media?

Explaining his dilemma, Graf said, "The reporter who first carried my story said I could talk only to German media and not anyone from the local media until he carried my follow-up on Friday. I know this is a free world and you have the right to write about me. But I cannot talk anything till they allow me."

It's a well known tactic elsewhere, but unfamiliar and possibly new to the local media scene, no wonder Gulf Today describes it:

"...clear manifestation of conditional help and how unhealthy competition can spoil professional ethics in journalism.

It would be also interesting to see what - if any - contract Graf has signed with Gulf News and what legal representation he has. A few Max Cliffords would be quite an interesting addition to the local "celebrity" scene.


Anonymous said...

hello...look up the gulf today today where the poor journos there tried to contact graf, but herr insurance-less businessman shooed them off because of a 'contract' he had forged with GN to not talk to any papers.....
of course this could also be a lie

Anonymous said...

If you really believe that Gulf News had a contract with this guy, then perhaps you'd be interested in this big tower in Paris that I'm selling...